Screen Recording for Your SMB software is often used by large corporations for various purposes, but did you know that such software can be just as beneficial for small and midsize businesses (SMBs) as well?
Whether you’re trying to learn how to use new business software or teach employees how to use it, you’ll find many benefits of using screen recorders for your SMB. Experts often use this type of technology when they create short videos for their customers about products they sell.
The articles below detail ten specific benefits of using desktop video capture software for your business.
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Show Your Product’s Capabilities
Use screen recordings to show off some incredible features or capabilities your product has that your marketing team may not be able to describe very well.
It’s become more difficult for salespeople to keep up with the dynamic nature and features of various products. You can use a screen recorder to record product videos, walkthroughs, etc., that your sales team can then use.
Teach Employees How to Use New Software
It’s not always easy to train employees on new software, especially if you can’t agree on how it should work and what each feature does. Screen recording software is an excellent way for you or your employees to create step-by-step instructional videos to teach someone else about your product – without showing their face in the video.
Using video tutorials like these gives people more time to learn how something works instead of just reading about it somewhere.
Introduce Your Product Without Showing It
A small business like yours may not be able to afford an extensive ad campaign that shows the world how your product works and what it can do. You can still show off your product’s capabilities by using screen recording software to create short videos of the product without showing its name or logo anywhere.
These videos may help you get discovered organically. People will want to share these videos on social media platforms and other live video streaming platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Save Time with Whiteboard Videos
Whiteboard video creation is becoming increasingly popular across all industries because it’s easy to create, provides the viewers with a clear understanding of your product, and comes off as authentic to your customers. Screen recorders allow you to create whiteboard videos with ease and efficiency.
Show Software Features Without Cluttering Your Demo Video
Use screen recording software to create separate videos for each step rather than including all of the individual steps you need to accomplish a specific task with your software. You can then put these videos together into one final video that shows how to perform the entire process without overwhelming the viewer.
This makes it easier for video viewers and learners to go back and review certain features or parts of your product at their convenience, rather than watching an entire demo video to catch up on tutorial videos or other content they may have missed along the way.
Create Customer Tutorials Easily
You’ve probably seen those customer testimonial videos on your favorite business’s website. You can create those types of videos easily with screen recording software by getting your customers to record short videos that describe why they love using your product and how it has helped their business.
These “customer success” videos can help other prospective customers to try out your product or service themselves. They may be hesitant to pay for a service from a company they barely know, but customer testimonials can go a long way in convincing them to buy your product or service.
Track Sales Leads from Social Media Easily
Use screen capture software to easily upload screenshots of sales conversations with potential customers over social media platforms like Facebook Messenger or LinkedIn, thus helping boost the reputation and authenticity of your business and brand.
Create Video Tutorials on the Fly
Screen recording software is an easy way for you to explain something on the fly without planning or waiting until later in the day. Are you doing a webinar, speaking at an industry event, or just walking over to a client’s desk that needs some guidance with using your product?
Whatever it may be, you can create video tutorials right then and there with the help of screen capture software so you can quickly find out what they’re having trouble with and walk them through specific processes in real-time.
There are several benefits to using screen recording software for small businesses. From employee training to video publishing, there are no limits to the number of ways in which screen recording software can be beneficial to any business, large or small.