Is Walmart Going to Stop Using Plastic Bags (March) See!

Is Walmart Going to Stop Using Plastic Bags smoothcreationsonline

Is Walmart Going to Stop Using Plastic Bags (March) See! >> Please read this article on how a chain of stores is going to tackle its plastic usage and the details about the companies using it.

What do you do with the plastic bag after taking your stuff out of it? Is Walmart Going to Stop Using Plastic Bags? What is its replacement? Do questions like these arise in your mind too? We will answer each of these questions and also any query you might have.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States people use over 100 billion plastic bags a year. About one trillion to three trillion single-use plastic bags are used in a single year across the globe.

Why is Plastic Ban Important?

Walmart alone uses approximately 18 billion to 20 billion single-use plastic bags annually to pack customer groceries. We will later see how Is Walmart Going to Stop Using Plastic Bags.

The single-use plastic bags are not biodegradable. One plastic bag takes over 1000 years to degrade completely. These bags are harmful not only to nature but also to animals and marine life. Over a hundred thousand sea creatures die alone per year due to muddling, choking, drowning, swallowing, etc. Plastic bags in water look like jellyfish, and rare sea turtles try to eat them.

The State of Vermont has also put forward a strict “paper bag only” requirement to all the retailers from July 2020.

Walmart’s Step Towards Zero Waste Goal

Is Walmart Going to Stop Using Plastic Bags? Yes, Walmart has set its aim towards zero waste goal and joined the “Beyond the Bag” initiative as a funding partner. This is a three-year program by Closed-loop partners. Their goal is to design solutions that are more sustainable and can replace the current plastic bags. 

As of now, Walmart offers you a paper bag or a reusable bag with some additional price. These bags are made from paper, obviously, and pet plastic is biodegradable.

The average working life of a grocery bag is no more than 12 minutes. 

The Innovation Challenge

Not only Is Walmart Going to Stop Using Plastic Bags, but they have also put forward a “Beyond the Bag Challenge.”  According to Walmart, the challenge invites designers, innovators, suppliers, and creative people to submit their ideas for sustaining plastic bag solutions.

Anyone who wishes to join the challenge can submit their ideas on the Beyond the Bag Challenge’s website on or before 4th September. Closed Loop partners will pick the top solutions and, with their help, develop and design a new system.

Also, Walmart has put on How2Recycle labels on sustainable and reusable bags.


We answered the question- Is Walmart Going to Stop Using Plastic Bags? We ask you too to stop using plastic bags. Walmart is working hard to communicate recyclability and also have started implying it.

We conclude that single-use plastic bags are indeed a threat to nature. It is our responsibility to look into this matter. 

If you have any doubts or ideas regarding this, please leave a comment below.

One thought on “Is Walmart Going to Stop Using Plastic Bags (March) See!

  1. The paper bags are a pain. They tear easy and everything in them falls and you have to pick it up. Also they are heavy and hard for older people to carry when you have a lot of them.

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