Hot spots tend to be common in dogs with short, fine coats. They usually emerge on the dog’s neck due to excessive irritation or itchy skin, whereas some dogs get them on their bellies.
It’s very common to see pets get hot spots on their skin because of environmental stressors like allergies, sunburn, or insect bites. But sometimes, there can be other factors at play that may lead to this condition.
The good news is that hot spots are generally not difficult to treat with common products, but it’s important to pay attention to the cause of the problem to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
This article will take a closer look at this problem, plus how CBD can offer a hot spot dog home remedy.
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What Are Hot Spots On Dogs?
You may have noticed small, reddish, or brownish patches of skin on your dog. These patches may seem dry or scaly at first, but they are often moist to the touch. As these spots develop, hair loss can occur in these areas, which are commonly found around your dog’s head, tail base, flanks, and groin area.
These are called hot spots or pyotraumatic dermatitis. They usually occur when your dog is stressed or itchy. It’s also possible that it has a bacterial infection in addition to being itchy.
Why Do Dogs Get Hot Spots?
Many types of bacteria and fungi can cause hot spots in dogs, including dermatophytes, the fungus responsible for athlete’s foot.
Dermatophytes feed off keratin proteins, which make up hair and nails, causing them to release enzymes called proteases that break down keratin.
Because these enzymes also feed off skin cells found in mucus membranes like those in your dog’s ears, paws, or muzzle, they can sometimes make their way into your pet’s bloodstream, where they begin releasing even more proteases to survive in a new environment.
If your dog gets immunosuppressed, meaning its immune system isn’t working properly, it may be unable to prevent the further spread of these infectious agents. Your veterinarian will examine your dog’s skin thoroughly to diagnose what’s causing these hot spots before you look for a hot spot dog home remedy.
How Do You Treat Hot Spots On Dogs?
If your pet is suffering from a hot spot, it’s important to treat it early before an infection develops. If left untreated, hot spots can become infected sores that are difficult to heal.
So, you must look to do everything you can to help him heal without causing unnecessary stress or trauma. Hemp-based CBD oil may be able to provide effective relief.
Hemp-based CBD oil can be added to wet food or given directly to a dog, but always monitor your pet after doing so. However, make sure you don’t overfeed your dog, as it may not tolerate larger quantities well. Ask your vet about recommended doses if needed.
How Does CBD Work On Dogs?
Some animal research has shown that some cannabinoids have analgesic, or pain-relieving, effects. Other studies have demonstrated their potential as anticonvulsant agents.
The anti-inflammatory properties of specific cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol (CBD), a no psychoactive cannabinoid compound, may also play a role in pain relief.
In fact, using CBD oil, you may be able to avoid expensive visits to the vet involving steroid injections or antibiotics that can potentially cause side effects. Side effects may include lethargy and depression in pets. That’s why CBD is considered an effective home remedy for treating hot spots.
If you find that your dog is constantly licking an area of skin, it could be due to allergies, parasites, or even stress. Adding hemp-based CBD oil to your furry friend’s diet could help ease the pain associated with itching and other irritation symptoms that arise from discomfort.