Complete Disaster NYT [Oct 2020] About Crossword Clue!

Complete Disaster NYT 2020
Complete Disaster NYT [Oct 2020] About Crossword Clue! >> This article tells you about the answer to a clue of a crossword puzzle in the New York Times.

If you like solving crosswords, then you must have surely come across or heard of the Complete Disaster NYT crossword clue. This clue has been trending in many online crossword forms and social media. The users have expressed their difficulty in finding the right answer to this clue. 

Many attempts have been made to explain it, but most of them are misleading and don’t fit the associated box. If you’re among these users, then you’re in luck because we know the right answer to this question. So, if you want to know what it is, please keep reading and don’t go anywhere.

The crossword clue first appeared in a puzzle, after which it quickly gained popularity. This crossword clue was trending in the United States and Canada on social media platforms.

What is Complete Disaster NYT?

The Complete Disaster NYT is the clue to a crossword puzzle. The associated crossword with this puzzle was published in an edition of the New York Times or NYT. The clue is “complete disaster,” and has appeared in the New York Times; it became popularized by the term mentioned above. 

This clue is quite challenging as the answers the users arrived at mostly didn’t fit the box. The clue isn’t specific either, and it can have many interpretations. The clue is also very misleading. It’s one of the reasons this clue gained so much popularity in countries like the United States and Canada. But we know the correct answer to this puzzle. Please take a look at it below.

What is the answer to Complete Disaster? 

The answer to the Complete Disaster NYT crossword clue is given below. Please take a look at it:

  • The same clue can have different answers.
  • It’s because only one of the several possible answers will fit the box.
  • Users were able to decode this clue to some extent but couldn’t find an answer that fit the box.
  • After considering all the possibilities and going through all of them, and looking at many crossword websites and forums, we have found the answer to this clue.
  • The correct answer to this clue is “Trainwreck.” 
  • Trainwreck is the word that best fits the context and can also be written easily in the box.

Final Verdict

Crosswords involve decoding a clue to make a word out of it so that the obtained word can fit it in the associated row or column of that specific clue. A typical crossword puzzle consists of many clues, which makes it a brilliant brain exercise. Solving crosswords has many advantages. It makes your brain sharper, improves your memory. Also, performing some mentally intensive activities is useful in keeping your mind healthy. 

However, sometimes clues are quite challenging, and people cannot decipher it, which leads to irritation and frustration. Some users expressed these feelings with the Complete Disaster NYT clue. We have answered this clue above. 

Let us know what you think about our answer in the comments box below.

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