Bags of Ethics Face Masks (Oct) Buy It Or Not?


Bags of Ethics Face Masks (Oct) Buy It Or Not? >> This article will give you information for new fashionable face masks and its efficiency.  

Bags of Ethics Face MaskDuring this pandemic, everyone adopts preventive measurements to save themselves or loved ones from the Coronavirus. These measurements flattened the Covid-19 infected index curve in many countries, and the government lifts the lockdowns in many regions. Now, people can travel anywhere with face masks. 

Further, these masks have been made from various plastic polymers and cotton fabric and available only in few colors. Also, these colored masks are not fashionable and eco- friendly. Here we will discuss innovative masks suitable for your outfits and sufficient to filter dust and viruses.

To save the earth from non-biodegradable plastic polymers, research of the United Kingdom starts joints operations with bags of ethics and provides a hundred percent biodegradable masks.

Few words about Bags of Ethics 

Researchers and designers designed face masks to make the earth free from plastic and people from pollution particles and viruses. These face masks are fashionable and 100% free from plastic polymers. Further, these masks are reusable and charitable. 

Furthermore, these masks are designed in London by six eminent designers, and these six designers aimed to raise a fund of one million Euros for charity and Covid-19 urgent appeals. Also, this sales profit is distributed to the BFC Foundation and Wings of Hope Children’s Charity. Let know more about Bags of Ethics Face Mask in detail. 

Specifications of Bags of Ethics Products

  • Plastic-free: The face masks made by bags of ethics are 100 percent free from plastic, and the motive of loads of ethics is to reduce plastic uses.
  • Designer products: This type of reusable face masks are made by British designers like Julien Macdonald, Halpern, Liam Hodges, Mulberry, Raeburn, and Rixo.
  • Designed for everyone: The products are fashionable, and anyone can use them like; for children, child-friendly printed masks are available online made by Bags of ethics. Let us get more information about Bags of Ethics Face Masks via exploring it further.
  • Price: The price of reusable masks is affordable, and it costs only 15 Euros for a set of three masks. 
  • Women Empowerment: Women and girls in India make the products made by bags of ethics. In bags of ethics, more than 90 percent of the staff is female.
  • Size: it is available in two sizes for children and adults.
  • Protective: These masks are protective against coughing and sneezing droplets, talk, dust, and pollution particles.

Features of bags of ethics masks

  • These face masks are washable, and you can wash them more than 50 times.
  • The price of masks is affordable, and in one pack, you can get three fashionable masks.
  • The sale profit of these masks is going for charity purposes.
  • Bags of Ethics Face Masks are made from biodegradable fabrics like cotton.
  • You can use any detergent and hot water to wash them.
  • The masks have been made from 2 layers of tight weave cotton fabrics.
  • These are protective and comfortable to breathe.
  • The printing ink used for these masks are non-toxic.
  • The snug of these face masks has fit around the nose and mouth.
  • It is easy to order and buy. 

Drawbacks of bags of ethics masks

  • These masks are nonmedical.
  • It does not mention their effectiveness for covid-19 on the internet.
  • No reviews are available on the internet yet.

What did customers think of Bags of ethics mask?

After exploration through Bags of Ethics Face Mask, we do not find any reusable masks reviews of bags of ethics products on the internet and its website. So please do not comment on its efficiency for air filtration and quality of masks.

What did we think?

So, after an in-depth analysis of Bags of Ethics Mask, these masks are useful for charity purposes or fashion purposes. We do not find any product reviews on its official website and the internet during the exploration of bags of ethics masks. So we cannot say anything for masks quality and its effectiveness to prevent you or others from pollution particles or disuses. Still, for health safety, we recommend customers to explore their own before purchasing them.

Please contact us through the comment section to sort out all your queries and doubts about Bags of Ethics Masks for further details.

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